Hi I have several questions about intelligence, brains and artificial intelligence.
Is constant stimulation (through visual input or other senses) required for the human brain to initiate high-levell thought processes ?
Other question:
Could the high-levell thought processes as they normally take place in the human brain occur when the human brain is disconnected from the rest of the body ?
Other question:
Can the human brain
1)-Be succesfully connected to other hardware than the common body organs.
2) And also Learn how to use these other hardware functions in addition to the primary body funtions, or is the human brain capacity limited to use of only several body functions.
For instance can eyes be succesfully replaced by other visual-input devices ?
Other question:
Is it worth the effort to investigate the possibility of physically programming the human brain ? Or is this too far fetched ?
Other question:
Is it likely to assume that a fusion of brain-mass could lead to effective cooperativeness and thereby to greater brain-capacity meaning higher levell of intelligence ?
Other question:
In search for devellopment of higher intelligence: In years When do YOU anticipate the comming of the possibility to succesfully copy desired human brain processes to other hardware such as supercomputer systems ?
Other Question:
Is it possible to create hardware that can facilitate high levell human brain processes ?
Other question:
In your opinion if you think special hardware is required,
What kind of hardware will be required to run human thought processes ? Let me know how you think it should work.
Last Question:
Is it possible to truly or at least sufficiently simulate high levell thoughts in other systems than the human brain and its body ?
These were all my questions.
Further comment:
We all could be so much smarter, if only we would embrace new technologies. I praise all that contribute to the devellopment of artificial intelligence.